
Tips on Moving Your Gardening Tools and Plants

Tips on Moving Your Gardening Tools and Plants

Moving day is finally here an you’re about to hit the road to the place that is to be your new home. But what is to happen with your garden that you have taken care of for such a long time? After all the work you have provided it with, you can’t just leave it behind. However, there’s a way for you to move almost everything to your new dwelling and go on taking care of your plants. So here are some tips on how you can properly move both your plants and the gardening tools. You can use best digging and cutting tools cutter mattock, pick mattock & Pickaxe for your backyard garden.

Prior to doing anything else, do some research in order to learn what is the soil type in the are where you will be living. You need to remember, that, unfortunately, some of the plants won’t manage to thrive in your new garden in case the climate is too hot or too cold. Still, even if you move just a small percentage of your plants, this way you will impart a sense of familiarity to the place that is to be your new home. Just like taking a small piece of your old dwelling.


Many folks tend to save their annual flowers’ seeds, just in case. This is a way for them not to move the whole plants if they find this too difficult, but actually to plant the aforementioned seeds when already at the new place. That’s a way of moving a part of the garden and not having to deal with heavy weights and bulk. Seal the dry seeds in envelopes and label them. The envelopes are to be stored in reliable containers – for example plastic ones for storing food.

Potted plants

For most of the perennial flowers, it’s best if you move them in a container filled with soil. Some weeks or months before the move divisions or offsets of your prized perennials need to be transplanted in plastic pots so that they can ‘get used’ to the new containers until it is finally time for the moving. It would be best if the pots used are the smallest possible that can sustain the weight of the plant. Fill them with lightweight potting soil and not with garden loam as the latter might be damp which will increase the overall weight. Prior to hitting the road, examine all your plants for bugs and all sorts of pests, which could damage the plants during the move (as well as after the move). Simply put – get rid of the problems instead of bringing them to your new home. Once the moving is over, give the plants some time to get acclimated to their new surrounding and climate. In other words, don’t transplant them (into the ground or in a different pot) right away.

Garden Tools

A couple of days before the move, examine your gardening tools’ inventory. Decide what can be used in the new home of yours and what is already in bad condition and can’t be used anymore. Check the clippers, pruning shears and lawnmower in order to see if any of them is in some serious need of cleaning or sharpening. The simplest thing you can do is to apply a little bit of household oil that will surely protect the metal parts. The wooden ones can be covered with linseed oil. Use sturdy, wooden or plastic crates to store the tools with sharp ends in. Don’t use cardboard boxes, for the tools can easily cut through the boxes during transportation.

Jackie Lopez
Jackie Lopez is a creative writer. He is well known for their writing skills. He also loves to make your living place more delightful.

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